Sustainability Impact Position

Sustainability Impact Position

Invicta Health Solutions is proud to take an active role in positively contributing to our environment by reducing our carbon footprint — all for the betterment of the future. Invicta is committed to adhering to social and economic best practices and sustainability standards by conducting business in a way that meets the needs of its stakeholders while building a sustainable future.

Invicta will focus its efforts in the areas where the Company can have the most significant environmental, social and economic impact.


Use experience and influence to advance sustainability
practices among valued clients, vendors and partners;

Integrate sustainability into operations and everyday practice by implementing best in industry, employee, and vendor practices to reduce resource use, waste, and emissions while increasing efficiency and effectiveness;

Engage our employees and stakeholders while supporting the communities in which our workforce lives and works; and

Foster an understanding of our impacts through sustainability at all levels of the organization in ways that are both personally and professionally relevant.

Specific ways in which we are already working to reduce our impacts include:

Provide all employees with re-usable water bottles to help reduce the amount of non-recyclable materials

Provide recyclable containers in our work settings for employee use, as applicable

Continue to communicate with employees via in-person or digital means, unless print and/or mail is necessarily required

Purchase and use rechargeable batteries in equipment, whenever possible

Reminder notices to refrain from printing unnecessary copies of documents and use double-sided pages for large paper copying and distribution

Continue to purchase compostable or recyclable consumer items, despite the initial higher cost

Encourage employees to limit travel in vehicles with emissions in favor of environmentally friendlier options such as bus/train usage, carpooling, rental cars with economic or EV ratings, etc., whenever possible

Donate unneeded home or office equipment and/or unused furniture, or other materials to organizations or scrap metal locations to be recycled, refurbished or re-purposed

Consolidate purchasing of goods to save on delivery costs and reducing emissions

Encourage conservation of electricity in offices by turning off lights in rooms not in use, enable conserve energy modes in computers and monitors, and use revolving doors when entering and exiting buildings, where applicable