Q1 2022 Bits & Bytes – Issue #12

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From our Chief Executive Officer

Happy March, Team Invicta! The year is already flying by. January brought us the New Year and Martin Luther King Day, and in February we acknowledged the legacy of African Americans across our communities and throughout our industries, during Black History Month. Before long, the weather will warm up for Spring – at least for our colleagues in southern climates.

We are pleased to announce that Lakeland Regional Health, headquartered in Lakeland, Florida, is a new Invicta client. Lakeland is the second largest private employer in Polk County, employing more than 5,400 people. The hospital has been a frequent recipient of “Best Hospital” and “Best Places to Work” facility in recent years. It is located approximately 1 hour’s drive southwest of the greater Orlando area.

Since Lakeland is an Enrollment Services client, we have begun putting recruitment efforts into place for talent. Team Lead and Coverage Consultant positions will soon become available, and relocation assistance is included. As such, we welcome the interest of Invicta employees who would like to discuss the possibilities of relocating to the Lakeland area for one of these positions. If you are interested in Lakeland career opportunities, please contact your respective Vice President no later than March 18, 2022.

Please join me in welcoming our latest new team members:
Chiemeka Bowen, Winnie Palmer Hospital Coverage Consultant

Jason Bush, Dr. Phillips Hospital Coverage Consultant

Lori Lee, Floating Coverage Consultant
Dante Voss, South Seminole Coverage Consultant and Field Representative
Makell Wallace, RCM Claims Analyst

Achieve Great Things!

Donny Zamora

From our Chief Client Officer

It is my distinct honor to invite all Invicta team members to “Clean your Closet for Charity” Challenge. We have set our official Q1 InvictaSERV timeframe for March 2 – March 14, focusing on a “Clean your Closet for Charity” campaign. Many thanks to Coverage Consultant Brittani Bradwell for volunteering to help develop a SERV activity that includes a contest incentive. Our goal is to encourage colleagues in all markets to make clothing donations to local shelter organizations that won’t be reselling the products. Brittani identified that most Red Cross organizations have a shelter clothing donation intake for this purpose, though we offer all employees the opportunity to choose their own recipient organization.

We all know that a little competitiveness can inspire action within Team Invicta. As such, we will provide a special incentive for your participation. Winners will receive gift card prizes in three categories:

  • First employee to post completed donation pile image/s
  • Neatest closet “before” and “after” image/s posted, along with donation pile image
  • Largest individual “household” donation pile image/s posted – YES, you can include family and friends’ donations in your contributions

Our campaign goes live beginning tomorrow morning. Your image/s must be posted in the Teams’ InvictaCHAT community to be considered. Official judges for the contest include Brittani Bradwell, Jen Evans, and me. The contest deadline is 3/14, and category winners will be announced on 3/15. More details will be forthcoming via email tomorrow.

If you are in a market on your own, you may contact Jen Evans at jevans@invictahs.com if you’d like help identifying a local non-profit that fits you. Remember, all Full-time employees are eligible for an annual “Volunteer Time Off” day after 6 months of full-time employment if you’d like to volunteer at a non-profit as well. 

Finally, we’re sharing a few photos from the South Carolina HFMA Winter Institute in January, which was sponsored by Invicta and chaired by yours truly. Donny Zamora and Robert Griffin, the Chapter’s President-Elect, joined me at the conference and we held a volunteer service project at Meals on Wheels America where we helped to prepare and serve meals. Community service and volunteerism is a win for all!

Jude Crowell

An update from our Vice President of Revenue Cycle Management

Greetings, Invictans! 

Innovation is about new methodologies, products, and ideas that transform how we work. I would like to highlight the recent innovation led by Tiffany Echevarria, Vice President of Operations, to integrate the DocuSign suite of applications with Invicta’s Enrollment Services. Tiffany spearheaded the development and technology implications for this build-out. In short, this integration now housed in our Financial Assessment tool is creating less touches and more seamless processes for Coverage Consultants, HIM, and patients. Reaching patients where they are, making it easier for them to complete forms and submit documents without being inhibited by technology limitations, positively impacts the patient, the hospital, and Invicta as their chosen vendor.

On a related note, I want to acknowledge Jaelle Thrift, Claims Analyst, for her ownership and exceptional problem-solving skills in our Out-of-State Medicaid solutions work. Out of State Medicaid is notoriously complex in nature. Jaelle didn’t come to Invicta with a Recovery background, but she has made a tremendous effort to learn, identify problems, and anticipate challenges. It’s paying off – our January invoice was the largest one to date!

Summer Dobbs

From our Vice Presidents of Operations

As we move towards the end of the first quarter and near future annual performance evaluations, we want to remind you to focus on additional training. Our InvictaLEARN module in ADP Workforce Now is an exceptional resource for supplemental training, everything from Excel to Leadership.

You can review available ADP training coursework and identify specific courses for professional development, and we encourage you to request recommendations from your supervisors on training modules that will help you as a professional. As a reminder, our InvictaLEARN modules are available in the ADP learning platform (ADP Workforce Now >>Resources >>My Tools >> Comprehensive Learning >> Search).

In case you missed it, please take time to read Julie Storie’s recent article on Implementation Best Practices here: https://www.invictahs.com/invictas-rcm-implementation-best-practices/ Every time we on-board a new client – regardless of the scope of services – the Implementation team sets the tone for the client relationship.

We also wish to acknowledge the work of the tenured Secondary Enrollment team, which has taken on a few new facilities over the past 6 months. Georgette Kirton recently managed an inpatient account where she assisted a Texas patient through the Disability process and applied for SSI Medicaid. Through Georgette’s expertise, grit, and knack for positive patient experience, this account was approved and resulted in a $6,300 fee for the Secondary team this month. These opportunities are few and far between in Secondary Enrollment. Great job!

Finally, as Jude’s article referenced, we are gearing up to “clean our closets.” Kudos to Brittani Bradwell for offering to help organize this quarter’s SERV project.

Melissa Lochman and Tiffany Echevarria

From our Chief Brand Officer

Greetings, Brand Invicta Ambassadors!

So that no one has trouble competing in the “Clean your Closet for Charity” challenge, I’ve included tips to help you remember how to use our internal employee network, InvictaCHAT, in Microsoft Teams’ Communities.

1. In the Teams left side menu, select the 3 dots below “Files”
2. From the pop-up app suggestion box, select “Communities”
3. From the “Communities” screen options, select “InvictaCHAT”
4. Post your comments and attach your photos

Having trouble? Contact me.

Please join us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. You’ll see news updates on these channels about our philanthropic endeavors, job postings, new blog post links from our News page, and industry news. It’s a good way to learn about other aspects of our business – and hopefully to share some of it with your friends and family.

Jen Evans