As we wrap up this most extraordinary year, we’d like to extend our thanks and good wishes for you and yours. At Invicta Health Solutions, we are invested in the success of the communities in which we live and work. Our culture is based on an active service model that is directed to serve our employees, our healthcare system clients and their patients, and our communities around the nation. As part of our holiday “giveback,” Invicta employees across the United States volunteered during the first two weeks of December to: pack/prep more than 5,000 meals; pack 3,000 bags of apples and corn into sustainable meal packages; move nearly 1 ton of food; complete numerous contact-free activities through our InvictaSERV community service initiative. Since food banking organizations have greatly struggled this year with inventory needs and reduced volunteerism, we selected non-profits focused on food insecurity.

Best wishes for 2021 from all of us #behindtheshield at Invicta Health Solutions!